Respect or Ruin
The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.
I write what I feel. You may not agree with my views, and that’s fine-because these are my articles.
Society is cruel, ruthless, and unfair. No matter how good, kind, or hardworking you are, it may never accept you or grant you the respect or position you deserve. It’s frustrating, even infuriating. And when I search for a solution, I don’t find many ,just one.
The solution is you.
Your mind. Your energy. Your power.
The world may not respect the good in you, but it can still fear you. And how do you achieve that? Simple -choose a skill or career that isn’t just constructive but holds the potential for destruction when necessary. Let me explain.
Suppose you’ve wanted to be a cricketer since childhood. You practiced for years, poured your soul into the game, only to be rejected during trials due to corruption or favoritism. What now? What do you do with the skill set you spent years perfecting?
Now, let’s take another example. Suppose you love biology -genetics, to be precise. You’re a brilliant scientist, mastering vaccines and viruses through years of relentless study and hard work. But society refuses to acknowledge you, disregards your contributions, and robs you of the respect you rightfully deserve. Does that mean your skills are useless? No. There are theories suggesting that the coronavirus was lab-made — possibly man-made. Now do you see my point?
Pick a field where, if the world refuses to recognize your good, it will have no choice but to fear your power.
You deserved respect. You earned acknowledgment. If they deny you that — make sure they never forget your name.